When it comes to coating industrial equipment and tools, you have a few options you can go with. Before powder coating came about, wet paint was one of the most popular choices. 

However, today, wet paint should only be used in applications where the material being finished simply can’t withstand the heat produced during the powder coating process. Powder coating is the better choice in nearly all other applications. 

Used for ornamental and protective finishes in manufacturing, powder coating is a dry finishing process that has been made available in a wide variety of textures and colors over the years. In this blog post we will look at the ways powder coating is the better option over wet paint when it comes to your product finishing needs.

What Makes Powder Coating Better Than Wet Paint?

It’s More Economical

It’s widely known that powder coating is significantly less expensive and covers more area than most other finishes. This means there are lower material costs associated with powder coatings as opposed to wet paint.

What’s more? Because the powder coating process can be automated, you can potentially save even more money, as less manual labor is involved.

It’s Safer

Many aren’t aware how dangerous wet paint can be. In addition to being flammable, it contains carcinogens and VOCs (or volatile organic compounds) that are damaging to the health of the environment and to humans (including your employees. 

Powder coatings, on the other hand, do not contain solvents and are free of VOCs, meaning they don’t pose as much of a threat to humans and are safer on the environment as well.

Additionally, overspray from the powder coating process can be gathered and reused. Unused powder can also be retrieved and recirculated, which significantly reduces waste.

Powder Coating Offers Better Performance

As you may already know if you’ve done a bit of research already, powder coating offers more resistance to things like chemicals, weathering, and (most importantly) corrosion. 

Additionally, powder coated surfaces resist scratching, chipping, and general wear and tear more effectively than other coating techniques.

Powder Coating for Industrial Equipment & Tools in Indianapolis

At Rush Powder Coatings, we’re the premiere powder coating company in Indianapolis. What sets us apart from other companies in the area is our high quality results and ability to take on any type of project. 

With one of the largest ovens in the region, we can powder coat even the biggest or most oddly shaped industrial and manufacturing equipment. What’s more? We offer pick up and delivery of your items. 

If you’re looking for powder coating in Indianapolis, contact us today to get a free quote or call 866-981-2771!